Local Campaigns

Building authenticity: The power of longevity in sponsorship strategy

For brands with no prior sponsorship experience, the challenge of establishing authenticity can be daunting. How can a company that has never sponsored a sport or event suddenly claim to be a passionate supporter? This dilemma is common, and while it may seem daunting, the potential rewards of sponsorship—enhanced brand awareness, increased market stature, new business...

M&C Saatchi Sport & Entertainment celebrates 20 years with new ‘Passion Pulse’ offering and shift to ‘Fancom’ model

Image: M&C Saatchi Sport & Entertainment's new strategic collective, Passion Pulse M&C Saatchi Sport & Entertainment commemorates two decades of creativity by introducing its groundbreaking 'Passion Pulse' offering. As part of this milestone, the agency boldly departs from the traditional fandom model, embracing the forward-thinking 'Fancom' approach to...
Data driven sposnsorship